
This digital warrior.

These excercises were have been periodically challenging, due to the limited direction provided in the process, (not unlike doing information searches!)  Luckily, I use digital resources consistently, so the process was about figuring it all out.
I think this is a superb series of exerises to keep staff aware of innovations in social networking and web 2.0 technology.  It took quite a bit of time to complete.

Roll your own search tool


I don't know that Rollyo will offer me much from a professional standpoint but I can definitely see the potential utility for reference librarians and school librarians who like to have quick and well-defined resources from which to draw on in answering questions or, in the case of school librarians, teaching search and information evaluations skills in a safe environment.

searching for podcasts

To browse the podcast collection of this podcast library, click the link above. You can search by an array of categories:
  • Arts
  • Books
  • Business and Money
  • Comedy
  • Education
  • Entertainment
  • Food
  • Games and Hobbies
  • Government and Organizations
  • Health
  • Kids and Family
  • Music
  • News and Media
  • Politics
  • Radio
  • Religion and Spirituality
  • Science
  • Sci-Fi and Fiction
  • Sexuality and Adult
  • Society and Culture
  • Sports
  • Technology
  • Television and Movies
  • Travel
Some additional options for searching podcasts:

There are even podcasts for emergency physicians (for Dr's in the ER?)

And then there's www.mefeedia.com

imagination is more important than knowledge


Web 2.0 for public libraries

I was interested in the online learning program the California School Library Association 2.0 Team developed for Web 2.0 use by public libraries.

Staying ahead of the technology curve, seems impossible, but we can at least catch the wave after the fact. I actively use web 2.0 software.  Being past the half century mark, I can use the technologies, but am not one on the cutting edge of anticipating trends in future services.

"Librarian 2.0 is a trendspotter This librarian seeks out information and news that may impact future services. This librarian has read the OCLC Pattern Recognition and User Perception reports and uses them in planning. This librarian uses the Cluetrain Manifesto and realizes that networked markets are library users as well and that honest, human conversations need to take place within their institution, virtually and in physical space. This librarian reads outside the profession and watches for the impact of technology on users and new thinking on business, because it is, in fact, related."

Perhaps this relationship to technologies impacting the defining aspects of library science will be mined by students of the science who are just now coming of age.

The youtube video about creativity at:

"Librarian 2.0 gets content This librarian understands that the future of libraries will be guided by how users access, consume and create content. Content is a conversation as well and librarians should participate. Users will create their own mash ups, remixes and original expressions and should be able to do so at the library or via the library’s resources. This librarian will help users become their own programming director for all of the content available to them.  Librarian 2.0 also listens to staff and users when planning, tells the stories of successes and failures, learns from both, celebrates those successes, allows staff time to play and learn, and never stops dreaming about the best library services."